Return From Sin City

I am in the Las Vegas airport, headed home from Darrah’s bachelorette party. We had a lot of fun, but I missed the girls a lot. I look forward to bringing them to Vegas someday (the G-rated parts of Vegas!). I think they would have fun there.

Daddy did a great job while I was gone. He took the girls to a puppet show at Glen Echo yesterday – "The Wizard of Oz". Then the girls rode the carousel and had lunch. After nap, they went to Buppie’s house for dinner and Daddy went running.

Today, the girls had their new Dance Basics class, which they love. They are then going to ride scooters at "Orange Playground" with Tamar, and tonight they are having pizza with Frank and Addie. Not a bad weekend!

I am glad to be headed home. Wish I weren’t getting in so late tonight.

Buppie wrote me a very cute email an hour ago, which I thought I would share here:

The girls have come up with a charming name for the spiral staircase:  "twirly stairs."  It’s like "sparkle man"–such cute names!

They wanted to climb the twirly stairs– so I, with unusual forethought, established some rules:

1) They could not have anything in their hands–thereby enabling them to hold on.  I had to be behind them on the ascent.

2)  When descending, I had to be in front.

3)  There had to be 2 stairs distance between walkers.

They totally accepted the rules and loved using the stairs.

Also, yesterday, each got to walk on the treadmill (the slowest rate= .7 mi per hour).  Maddie held on and paid attention.  Alexa took liberties such as letting her legs split, jumping, etc.  I stood beside to oversee it.

So, you can see they had a great time, doing new things.

Just thought I’d let you know.


1 comment

Anonymous says:

I’m glad you enjoyed the weekend in Las Vegas, and I’m sure you missed the girls. They have a loving and devoted daddy who will do just about anything for his darling daughters. And those lucky girls also have a wonderful grandmother who adores them. Buppie is the best.

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