
There is a boy in the girls' class who says all sorts of crazy things to them. I wrote about him last week, including some of the things he has said to the girls. A told me some more things today that he has allegedly said to her:

  • If I were a dinosaur in a museum, I would bite your head off.
  • If I were a lion, I would eat you.
  • I wish I could put you in a machine and make you the size of an ant.

I am considering talking to his mom. He is a sweet boy, so I am not sure what is going on.

Today, the girls were saying how they don't want to get married, but that they just want to live together. A said, "I could marry M, but I don't want to. I don't want to stand up and give M a kiss." M: "OOOH, yuck." A: "And I don't want to have to give each other rings." M: "OOOH, yu – wait, that would be nice, actually."

1 comment

a says:

The girls’ concept of marriage is so cute and typical at their age. I remember when Janice wanted to marry both of her brothers. I hope the boy who says such silly things to A will learn that it isn’t funny to frighten girls. Speaking to his mother or the teacher might help understand him.
Aunt Ann

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