
We went to Riverdance at Wolf Trap tonight. Despite the severe thunderstorm warning, it didn't rain until we were on the way home. The girls liked it, for the most part, though M especially went through some periods where she wanted to go home. It was fun, though, and a nice change of pace. M&A went to bed very late tonight!

On the way home, A asked me if she was all American. I said yes. She said that she wanted to be one-quarter something else. I said, well, I am sorry, but you are all American. Then she said, "Can I be one penny something else?"

On the way there, M asked if we were on the "tie-road", instead of the Beltway.

The girls have become very into Silly Bandz, which are rubber bands in shapes of objects. They got some from friends at school, and the rubber bands broke, so I bought them some more. They arrived today. The girls like to wear many of them on their wrists at the same time. Here's a photo from the Internet (not of the girls):

Silly bandz

1 comment

a says:

Riverdance must have been fun for all of you, despite the weather.
Silly Bandz IS the latest craze for kids. The girls are up on everything. So cute.
Aunt Ann

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