Rocks From The Block

It's the first day of spring, but today was cold and rainy. We mostly stayed in, except for a few excursions out: N and I went to the Purim Festival to pick up hamantaschen and he spent a long time in the moonbounce; N and Daddy went to Trader Joe's, where N pointed out all the things to buy because he has been there so many times before with me; and the girls and I went to Mother-Daughter Book Club. Poor A is fighting a cold – we hope she's better tomorrow.

M and Daddy are working on her Senegal project for Model U.N.

We MAY have come to consensus about summer camp and the girls' birthday party. (Though do we ever come to consensus here?)

Here are the rocks that N painted. ("Don't be fooled by the rocks that he's got; they're still, they're still the rocks from the block.")





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