I haven’t posted in several days, and they have been rollercoaster days.
I am typing from the hospital, where A has been for the last 9 hours. She had acute abdominal pain starting around 8PM last night, and it was so bad that we came to Children’s Hospital. We waited in ER triage til around midnight, and she was in terrible pain. Thankfully, we finally got a room, an IV, and pain meds. She has had an ultrasound and we are now awaiting a CT scan to determine if she has appendicitis or a kidney stone. We’ve ruled out ovarian torsion. It has been a long night. POOR A – she faced a number of her fears today. Going to the dentist, needles (she has an IV in), germs (hospital!), procedures. She has been a trouper. She was so unbelievably miserable before that the relief from pain has been transformational.
What a night.
Meanwhile, back at home, Daddy worked with M on her application to NSLI-Y for next summer, which is due today at 4PM. They too had a long and arduous night. Everyone is going to be completely exhausted tomorrow – well, it’s already 5:26AM so we are well into tomorrow.
Oh, and N lost another tooth today.
Oh, and the Nats won game 6.
Oh, and I had an amazing 50th birthday party over the weekend.
Oh, and we went to the World Series.
Too much to process, too much to relate right now. I will post pics of the party and of the toothless boy and of lots of other things when I can. For now I just need to get A through this day. If she has appendicitis it’s going to be an even longer day.
More soon.