Rosh Hashanah

Today was Rosh Hashanah. This morning, I took N to the family service, which was fun. He was really good, although he didn't want to sit on my lap for long stretches. We did a lot of walking around the sanctuary during the service, as well as out of the sanctuary, and at one point, out of the building. But it was so much fun to be there with him.

Daddy took the girls to the adult service later in the day. I don't think they enjoyed it very much. It was loooong and they were apparently pretty restless. (Like their brother!)

The girls went to school for the last 90 minutes of the day. Not sure that was worth it. Then it was off to ballet. Daddy stayed home from work and went for a run during the late afternoon. We capped off the day with dinner outside – flank steak, corn, fries and snap peas. N enjoyed the apples we cut up for appes and honey.Here are some pics from today:

Photo: Happy new year! These two are off to adult services for the first time. (N came with me to the family service.)





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