
Random observations of the day:

N has started calling sweets "goodies". It is so cute. "Can I have a goodie?"

N is obsessed with a new DVD called Mother Goose Rocks. They are animated videos of kids songs performed in the style of famous pop singers and bands. We have a few of the CDs but this is the only DVD. He looooovvvvveeeeesssssss it.

Tonight A and I did a home visit for LDAR and she got nipped by a hamster. Great family, though.

M learned about some auditions tonight for the ABT's Sleeping Beauty. We will investigate… (ugh – just investigated. End of January. That would kill Christmas Break).

N had speech therapy today. She thinks that he says "he" instead of "she" so much because it is easier to say.

Tonight N went pee on the potty. Even though he only did once, he insisted on putting two stickers on the sheet. Daddy told him he still needs one more before he gets to go to the toy store.

The girls had a special assembly today with Chinese dancers. They said the dancers were amazing.

M&A were invited to two birthday parties at the exact same time Saturday night, both for girls named Hannah B. A is going to go to the new Hannah B.'s party so that she can make new friends, and M is going to go to the old Hannah B's party to be with her old friends. It does pose a logistical challenge, especially because Daddy and I are supposed to be at an event that night too. Sigh.

OK, that's the news from here. It's consignment sale weekend, which is always a busy one for me. Looks like soccer will be rained out by Hurricane Joaquin.


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