Royal Wedding

We woke up very early this morning – 5:50AM – to catch the royal wedding. The girls had a lot of fun watching it, but I think they are going to be very tired tonight. They had a lot of questions about who was who, where they were, what they were doing, what was up with the hats, etc. I hope they remember where they were on April 29, 2011 for the rest of their lives! I remember Charles and Di's wedding 30 years ago, but I was older than the girls.

The girls are getting new bikes for their birthday. It was going to be a surprise, but I realized that colors and styles are not a good thing to leave to chance. Good thing I did, because I ended up going to three stores and searching the Internet with the girls, and in the end special-ordered one bike for M and exchanged a bike for A that I had already bought (she wanted a different color). We'll give them the bikes on their birthday next weekend.

M's bike:


A's bike:


Glad that this long and very busy week is coming to a close. Here is some very cute artwork before I sign off.

M did this one in class:


And A drew this one on the back of her homework packet two nights ago:



1 comment

a says:

M and A’s bikes are beautiful. I hope this is the best birthday for them — so far. Lucky girls. I love their pictures. Please tell them I’m so proud of them.
Lots of love,
Aunt Ann

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