End of Vacation

Sad to see this vacation come to an end. Tomorrow it's back to school, work, lunchboxes, homework, traffic, and deadlines. Sigh.

Today we tried to go to to the top of the Washington Monument. We had reserved tickets and rushed down there for a 3:30 slot, only to learn that the monument was closed for wind. It was extremely cold here today – 27 degrees – so we raced back to the car and headed home.

The girls also went to a birthday party today for a classmate and saw some of their friends who they haven't seen for two weeks. They had a good time.

We decided that the girls are ready to have an allowance, provided that they help with things at home (like setting the table, helping clean up, etc.), lay their clothes out at night, and practice the piano. They are extremely motivated for the allowance (which A keeps calling "the report"). M told me tonight she wanted to wash the dishes!

I introduced some funny accents to the girls today on the long drives – random Italian woman who has kids ALSO named M and A (go figure!), and Deb Gray, also known as my math teacher from senior year of high school. They love the Deb Gray voice. I keep threatening pop quizzes.

Some cute pics:

The gingerbread houses, which have finally been thrown out:



M's self-portrait, called "M with Silly Putty"):


The girls wearing my hats tonight:




TLB says:

Glad to hear that a new generation will be experiencing Deb Gray! I expect to see some math progress, ladies….

a says:

It was fun to read about the girls earning an allowance. I agree with you about doing chores. It was also cute to read about M and A’s enjoying your accents. How cute! Thanks for the darling photos. The girls are so beautiful.
Aunt Ann

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