Here was Sadie's day (so far):
2AM: MASSIVE throw-up in crate in A's room
2:15AM: Smaller throw-ups in crate in A's room
2:20 Pee and poop on walk outside
2:25 Drink water from bowl
2:30 Massive throw-up of water on A's floor
6:00 Walk outside with A
6:30 – 8:30: Hang out on A's bed
9:00 Walk with Lucky and N
10:30 Go in car to N's baseball practice at Turtle Park
10:45-11:45 Walk around Turtle Park, apparently be afraid of trucks
12 return home
12-3: Hang out in living room and backyard, be generally cute, annoy Lucky, wait on bathroom floor while I shower
3:15 Go for long walk with A, have diarrhea, jump on a few people, be generally cute
430-6: Nap with A
6:00 Pee in kitchen
6:15 Walk with me
6:30 Eat dinner
6:45 Try to drink Lucky's water, get into kerfluffle with Lucky
6:50 Play with new favorite toy: (now former) kitchen sponge
7:30 Watch family eat dinner
8:30 Pee on family room rug even though I am standing right next to her
8:35 Go in backyard
8:45-9:15 Be generally hyper, hang with A
And that brings us to 9:15. Who knows what adventures are in store for us later?