Sam’s Mom

We made it to Friday. First full week of school for the girls, and everyone is tired.

The latest:

1) Today was Dot Day at Lafayette. N wore his solar system tshirt, which has circles where the planets are.

2) M played defense today! She was goalie for part of the game and also played on the field, which she's never done before. GDS beat Madeira 5-0.

3) A hurt her ankle a bit at XC so she didn't run today. She did go to the Wilson-Sidwell volleyball game after school. She's going, a bit unwillingly, to a Saturday AM practice tomorrow (a meet was canceled).

4) N has his first soccer game tomorrow AM.

5) I went to the doctor, who confirmed that nothing is broken, that I need to rest, and that the bruising is going to continue down my leg to my feet and ankle. Great! I also called Orangetheory to let them know what I thought of their Labor Day partner workout, and it went surprisingly well. I am expecting a call from the gym manager tomorrow. 🙂

I emailed one of my bootcamp buddies (mom of N's friend Sam) today to let her know that I was sad to be missing so much bootcamp, and here's what she said:

Oh Gayle! I’m so glad nothing was broken at least but doesn’t make it any less frustrating. We miss you at Bootcamp! I saw Nate at pick-up today and asked him how you were feeling and he said, “Sam’s Mom, she’s ok! Thanks for asking!”  

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