Sarah’s Weekend

We are back from our trip to NJ. It was a lot of fun, and Sarah did a WONDERFUL job as a bat mitzvah. She gave a wonderful speech at the temple, recited her Torah portion without a hitch, and then gave a very touching toast at her reception last night, in which she recognized all of the important people in her life. It was very special to be part of her weekend, and I am honored and humbled to be her aunt. We are all just thrilled for her.

The girls had a blast this weekend. Last night, M said to Daddy, "I had no idea how much fun this was going to be." They love being around older girls, and were just obsessed with Sarah and her friends, and the dances they were doing on the dance floor. Two very late nights for them – 11:30 on Friday and after midnight last night.  They are asleep now – hope they catch up a little before tomorrow at school.

This weekend, I was happy that the girls were surrounded by people who love them. There was always a lap to sit on, a hand to hold, a smile to coax.

1 comment

a says:

This blog is a lovely tribute to Sarah. M and A must have been a BIG hit at the party –they’re so adorable. I’m looking forward to some photos of all of you at Sarah’s Bat Mitzvah party.
Aunt Ann

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