Saturday Night. No Fever.

Unbelievable news – A lost ANOTHER tooth last night! When I got home from work, she had an even more toothless smile on her face, but a big one. That's two teeth in two days, and three teeth in two weeks! Very exciting.

We've had a fun weekend. Dinner on Friday night with the Levines and Campers, and dinner tonight with some other friends of Dan's from camp (all with kids). And today the girls had their first Alice in Wonderland rehearsal. They loved it. There are about 10 (or 20 depending on who you ask) Flamingoes in each cast, and two casts. The girls said that they get to hug Alice, and they also have a nest. They seem to like a lot of the other Flamingo girls. It felt like Nutcracker again – sitting in the waiting area and dozing off. At least my belly is bigger now so I look like I have a reason to be sleepy!

Here are some pics -first of A's new smile, and then of the den now that it is painted and refloored.

Teeth 006

Teeth 005

Teeth 003

Teeth 002

Teeth 001



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