I haven't posted since Wednesday! Have been pretty tired at night. So here's what you missed… on Glee.
- M did her first crossword puzzle! She liked it. She now gets that if you're stuck on an answer, just do the ones that intersect it, and you might just figure it out.
- We swam for three hours today at Grampy's pool. Very relaxing.
- It is BEYOND hot here. Aunt Ann, we'd love some of your weather!
- First week of camp was a success. The girls are preparing for their performance at the end of next week. It's all about New Orleans.
- All of the girls' school supplies have been purchased! We got a list of what they need, and since we will be out of town until right before school starts, I bought it all today.
- M&A were able to agree on a movie to watch tonight! Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules.
- We're trying to get the girls reading more. I returned a bunch of birthday presents that the girls hadn't touched and exchanged them for books.
- Daddy's birthday is next week!
Tomorrow we may swim again and are having dinner at Jessie's house.
I really enjoy your blogs. They make me feel closer to all of you at the other end of our country. M and A are remarkable girls and are exceptionally bright, beautiful and talented. I’m so proud of them and their parents.
All my love,
Aunt Ann
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