The Saturday Agenda

Saturday went like this:

M woke up at 8:30; A shortly after.

Babas and breakfast. Mommy’s shower, during which girls watched Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.

Off to Gabi and Jesse’s birthday party. They got to pet: 5 bunnies, a duck, a rooster, a chicken, a pig, a miniature horse, 2 small rams, some goats, and some alpacas. Then… cupcakes. Necklace beading. And a great goody bag with Silly Putty, stickers, sparkly bracelet, and Dora lip gloss!

Then… lunch at Hannah and Andrew’s house. PB&J sandwiches, courtesy of Sarah, and bananas.



Visit to the video store and the toy store. At the former, we got Finding Nemo, which we are seeing tomorrow at Disney on Ice. At the latter, we got a cool bead toy that I haven’t opened yet. BONUS SURPRISE: we ran into Josh and Gabriel and their grandmother – they are the cutest boys I know.

Home to watch "Finding Nemo". The girls were a bit scared (I skipped a few scenes.). Why do all Disney movies open with the death of the mother? Grrr….

Then dinner. Bath. Books: a double feature! Knuffle Bunny and Knuffle Bunny Too.


It’s 10:03 and I think they are both asleep.

Mommy is downstairs trying to gear up for a depressing Oscar-nominated movie.

1 comment

Anonymous says:

Wow! What a great day, so full of fun things to do. Mommy, where do you get the energy for all of it? I send love to all of you.

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