Say it isn’t so…

I just filled out the girls' kindergarten forms. And I also got an email about the end of the year stuff happening at the nursery school. This is quite a transition. And I am very sad about it – I LOVE the nursery school and will be very sad to leave it. I realize that M&A are ready to move on – they are the big kids at school now – but it's just a sad place to leave behind.

They've had such a great year there. Excellent teachers, lots of learning, and good friends. They call the class the Pilim Team for good reason – the kids get along so nicely.

Sigh, I'm getting nostalgic. It's been a long, hard day. Perhaps I should stop now.

1 comment

a says:

Dear mommy, I know how sad you must be about M and A moving on to regular school — no more nursury school. The girls had a wonderful experience, and they are ready for more grown-up things. You will feel the same when they graduate from elementary school to middle school, and then on to high school, college, etc. You have a lot to look forward to.
Aunt Ann

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