Scattegories and Cherry Blossom Pics

On Saturday night, the adults were going to play some board games at our friends' house when we went over for dinner, while the kids watched a movie. This plan fell through when M didn't want to watch the movie. We never got around to the games, but M had been VERY intrigued by them when we brought them in from the car. So I taught her and A how to play Scattergories. A played on my team, mostly, but M did her own board, with a little help from me. Here were her answers – very creative! Note: I didn't change the spelling at all.

(To play Scattegories, you have a list of categories for which you have to come up with answers that start with a particular letter. We rolled B and then H.)

Fictional Characters: Baily (Bailey is someone on iCarly), Harry Potter

Menu Items: Buffalo wings, Hamberger (I helped with Buffalo wings)

Magazines: Big Mama, Hippi Clothes (!)

Capitals: Boston, Helsinki (I helped)

Kinds of Candy: Butterfinger, Hershey chocalate (I helped)

Items You Save Up to Buy: House, Big dog

Footwear: Hush Puppies, Bolling Shoes  (she had help on this one)

Something You Keep Hidden: Heart pumping (?), Belly button (I helped)

Items In A Suitcase: Hippopottomos, Buddy the Movie (explanations: she said the hippo is a stuffed animal and "Buddy the Movie" refers to the Cake Boss DVD I pack for car rides)

Things With Tails: Hippopottomos, Buffalo

Sports Equipent: High hit racket (?), Ballance Beam

And my favorite…

Crimes: Have a baseball team ("Because it's something I wouldn't do") and Burp in church.

Also, I just uploaded a bunch of photos from the camera, and will post throughout the week. Here are pics from the race and the Cherry Blossoms yesterday:

MarchApril 053

MarchApril 057 

MarchApril 064 

MarchApril 068 

MarchApril 069 

MarchApril 078 

Mile 4 1/2:

MarchApril 056 

Finish line:

MarchApril 083 

MarchApril 085 
MarchApril 082 

MarchApril 084 

1 comment

a says:

All of you did well with your game. Thanks for the great photos. All of you look beautiful and wonderful.
Aunt Ann

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