Am I A Moron?

We have tried, unsuccessfully, to take the girls to the movies about four times. The very first time, it was "Flushed Away," and they made it through the whole movie. The second, third, fourth and fifth times – "Happy Feet", "Charlotte’s Web", "Bee Movie" and "Enchanted," respectively – were too scary and/or too loud, and each time we ended up taking them out of the movie before it was halfway done. $200 or so down the drain.

For some reason, we thought today might be different. We thought they might be ready for another movie theater experience. We thought "Horton Hears a Who" would be the breakthrough movie.

We were wrong. Again.

After about 40 minutes, M wanted to leave, and after about 45 minutes, A realized that Daddy and M were gone, and then she wanted to leave, too. We had met Peyton and Addie at the theater, and they left with A and me. We all went out to a lovely pizza dinner instead.

I thought that we were done with the days where, by 9 PM, I was literally so tired that I couldn’t move. Nope – today was one of those days. I am definitely beat. (It might have something to do with the fact that I woke up at 6:45 AM to work on proofreading the auction program for the girls’ school. Never mind the fact that last year I swore off volunteering for the auction again. I guess that today was a painful reminder, doubly reinforced, that I don’t learn from previous mistakes.)

Buppie came to "Miss Rema’s Class" (also known as creative movement) this morning and took a bunch of photos of the girls. Here they are:

Rema1 Rema2 Rema3

Rema6 Rema5 Rema4 Rema7

1 comment

Anonymous says:

M and A are so beautiful in the photos Buppie took. I enjoyed the story about the girls not liking so many movies. I went through something similar when my children were young. It’s not easy.

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