Second Grade Art Portfolios

We made it to Friday! Yay! It has been a long, short week. But we're done! This weekend there are some birthday parties tomorrow, and ballet, and Sunday School and book club on Sunday.

Before vacation, the girls brought home some adorable artwork that they had done in the first half of the year. Here are the pictures:

M's artwork:

 2nd Grade Portfolio 1 (A and M) 001

(They were asked to design a Tshirt)

2nd Grade Portfolio 1 (A and M) 002

M said that this one works upside down or right-side up:

2nd Grade Portfolio 1 (A and M) 003

This is a self-portrait:

2nd Grade Portfolio 1 (A and M) 004


A's artwork:

2nd Grade Portfolio 1 (A and M) 005

Inspired by Picasso:

2nd Grade Portfolio 1 (A and M) 007

2nd Grade Portfolio 1 (A and M) 008

These are pictures of various emotions:

2nd Grade Portfolio 1 (A and M) 009

2nd Grade Portfolio 1 (A and M) 010

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