Second to Last Day of School

i definitely spoke too soon last night. We had a tough one – N was up all night, eating. He's one ravenous little baby. We didn't get any sleep and it was a long night. But we have some strategies for tonight so hopefully it will be a little easier.

HIghlights from today:

  • N's visit to the doctor: everything looks totally normal. He didn't even cry during his exam! Naked on the table and he didn't cry except for once when Dr. Fink pressed on his stomach. He's back over 8 pounds.
  • Eating on the deck, at the beautiful table that M&A set, and enjoying a meal brought to us by our friend Polly. Very pleasant – early summer night, not too hot, no mosquitos yet.
  • M getting a long tutorial on how the breast pump works, and seemingly enjoying it!!
  • M cancelling her playdate and coming home after school.
  • My one hour hap from 3-4. Yum.
  • Flowers arriving from Jonathan/Liz/Sarah/Rachel and also some from our friend Bruce.

Daddy and the girls made a plan for the summer tonight- things they want to do, etc. Every day they will read, spend no more than 30 minues playing on the computer, practice the piano. They will also learn to ride bikes and play board games.

A then made a list of things that she wants to do as part of her club this summer (she is the only member). I thought this was the cutest list:

  • run
  • jump rope
  • hula hoop
  • skip
  • jog
  • walk
  • karate
  • ballet
  • gallop
  • side slide
  • play games
  • act
  • sing
  • read
  • homework (if there is)
  • tests
  • learn
  • snacks
  • writing (making stories)
  • play with baby brother (that includes he sleeps on me)
  • try to catch fireflies
  • jump
  • clap
  • torture people that are mean
  • try to spend more time with Alli (the person)
  • think about the meaning of life
  • try not to be mean
  • do hair
  • gymnastics
  • jump on trampoliine in Catherine's house
  • try to read more of Harry Potter
  • think of funny things when I am sad
  • try to learn to ride my bike
  • have a playdate with Julia D.
  • relax
  • massage
  • arts and crafts
  • basketball
  • swim
  • baseball
  • football (maybe if I know how to play)
  • volleyball
  • clean
  • sit
  • garden
  • play with Lucky
  • pet Lucky
  • try to do horseback riding
  • camp
  • take care of baby brother

I was going to upload pics of our dinner tonight, but I think I am too tired. 

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