Separate Plans

Tonight, the girls are doing separate things!! Daddy and M are at the Nats game, where the Nats are currently beating the Cardinals 6-0. It's a late night, but tomorrow is Friday of a long weekend so we thought she could handle it. Here is M at the game:


Here is the president's race:


The girls also had separate play dates after school today, so they have hardly seen each other today. When A was dropped off after her play date, M and I were waitng at the front door. M yelled after the car, "Thanks for having her!" How cute is that!?

Speaking of cute, here is a little play that A did tonight. She came up with this on her own when she didn't even know I was watching; I made her repeat it because it was so funny. N's expression is priceless. A has never met a box she couldn't work with. 🙂

This is funnier each time you watch. It's called "The Miraculous Martian Boy". I love how the Martian keeps rejecting the boy because he's too big. Even at the end, the Martian won't pick up the boy because he's too heavy. She wants to look for another baby.

Seriously, watch this a few times. It's very entertaining.



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