It is back to school night/class potluck/school picnic season. Tonight was a picnic at RHES and the 10th grade class potluck at GDS, which meant schlepping between the two and missing a big chunk of both. N's was pretty hectic – tons of people there – but we found his friend Cole and Cole's mom and hung out with them for most of it. It's nice that the boys are becoming friends (though N is still his aloof self around other kids). We may do a playdate with them on Sunday. We did get an RHES t-shirt and car magnet. Baby steps.
N says there are crushes happening at school – all girls on boys rather than the other way around. Apparently one girl has a crush on 4 boys, including N.
M's class potluck was at GDS and most of hte food was gone when we got there. We learned that GDS is trying to discourage phone use while the kids are at school, esp in class, but even when they are walking through the halls. The parents were all in favor of that.
Thursday is curriculum night at Sidwell and next Thursday is GDS BTS night. Hard to keep it all straight!