SF Day 2

Still in SF. This morning, I went running to AT&T Park and took some pics:





Meanwhile, at home, Grandma Sandy spent a lot of the day with the girls. Her report: "I picked them up and then we went to Guapo's (Mexican) for lunch.  I took the girls to Middle C to see such a cool music store.  (Alexa didn't want to leave.)  Then home for tea.  Then we watched a documentary I had taped about dance at Julliard.  Then we started to watch The Red Shoes. Difficult–magical realism. Just took them home–not much food in the house.  Going to Costco tomorrow." Sounds like they had a great time!

Daddy gave a big speech at the US Institute for Peace about the role of diplomacy in Afghanistan and Pakistan over the last few years. By all reports, he did a great job! Here is video: http://www.c-span.org/video/?327497-1/ambassador-dan-feldman-afghan-government-security (C-Span won't let me embed it). I wish I could have gone to it!

Finally, I never do this, but I took a photo of my lunch today at a random Indonesian restaurant in SF. It was delicious!



1 comment

Maddie Feldman says:

That’s a cool lunch! I miss you so much!!! What time are you coming home?

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