Ron-Dee-Vous Drive

After a much longer drive than usual today, we are in Shohola! We got here around 9:30PM. The traffic was bad and we hit some detours along the way. Also, N fell down at a rest stop and bit his lip badly, which caused more setbacks in terms of time. But we're here! It's great to see the whole family. We had a late dinner of Mexican food and are finally unpacked and ready for bed. M&A are sleeping with their Seattle cousins in the den – I hope they get SOME sleep. We're excited for a day of kayaking and swimming and canoeing tomorrow.

Daddy had his last real day of work yesterday, which is very bittersweet for him.

I returned from SF at 12:30 this morning, and didn't arrive home til after 1:30AM so I am pretty beat.

Here is a photo of Grandma Sandy with blue nails, courtesy of A!!

Photo on 8-7-15 at 3.57 PM

1 comment

Maddie Feldman says:

I love the nails, Grandma!

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