Shohola Family Reunion

We've had a lovely visit to PA the last few days. Daddy and I arrived yesterday around 4. We hung out on the dock and did a little kayaking after a sweet reunion between N, M and A. It was also great to see all the cousins – Ben and Olivia and Eden and Sydney – and of course the aunts, uncles and grandparents! After the kids had dinner, we had cake to celebrate Daddy's birthday.

Last night, Grandma and Grandpa stayed home with the kids (the little ones were already in bed) and all of the parents went out to dinner at a lovely restaurant nearby called The Fork in the Road. We had a great time, and realized while we were there that the six of us may never have gone out to dinner before as a group!

Today, we got up and had family portraits, which were quick and painless, and then some of us went to the farmer's market and some stayed here and did some kayaking. M & A went out for solo kayaks today for the first time. Other afternoon activities: playing catch (me, M, Ben and Jonathan), some swimming/floating in the lake, fishing (Daddy caught a fish in a net and got a huge ovation), and, oddly, a water snake sighting that scared a few people out of the water.

Tonight we went out to a cool outdoor pizza place for dinner, which was really fun. After dinner we came back here for desserts (cake for Aunt Deb's birthday in September plus s'mores) and a real treat for Daddy and me: massages! So indulgent. The girls played a big round of Apples to Apples, which Aunt Darrah won, and now they are having another sleepover downstairs with Olivia.

I am sure I am leaving out a lot of stuff. It has been really cute to see all the kids together. N is loving being around his little cousins and "Big Boy Ben", and the girls are having fun with everyone, especially Olivia. Thanks so much to Grandma and Grandpa for planning so many fun activities and hosting all of us – it is chaotic but really great to be all together. The weather has been beautiful and we've really had a great time. We're sad to leave tomorrow!

I will post photos when I upload them.

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