So, we've been in Shohola since Friday night, and here are some of the things that have happened. Ben is helping me make a list.
- The kids did a lot of fishing. They always threw the fish back. They used cheese for bait and caught fish using both the net and a small rod. Olivia caught one fish and A caught one fish tonight, and A caught a few yesterday.
- There was a lot of kayaking and canoeing, in various combinations. Yesterday, Olivia and A and I canoed across the lake to the beach, did some swimming, and canoed back. Everyone else went out on the lake at various times. N even went in the kayak and canoe with me and Daddy and he enjoyed it for the most part. M and A and O are old enough to to kayak by themselves and they did a great job!
- Daddy swam across the lake and back!! He did a great job too! He had a little regatta following him and making sure he stayed on course. It took an hour but he was calm and relaxed the whole time.
- We have had some very fun meals. Yesterday we had chicken and pasta and tonight we had hamburgers and hot dogs. We had a lot of s'mores tonight. I know M had 4 and I think Olivia and Ben did too. A had two plus some toasted marshmallows. N had 2 and really enjoyed them, and so did Sydney and Eden.
- Yesterday we tried to go to a nearby candy store that is supposed to be great. Sadly, it was closed for vacation. So we went to The Dairy Bar instead and had ice cream. Never mind that it was 6PM, pre-dinner.
- Grandpa Ron and Aunt Deb organized a treasure hunt today! There were clues hidden all around the outside of the house. At the end, there was an old safe buried with a lot of lollipops inside. The kids loved it!
- Lots of swimming happened! There were cousins in the lake most of the weekend.
- Lots of hanging out among the cousins. Older and younger. Everyone had a lot of fun being together and making new memories.
- We celebrated Aunt Darrah's upcoming 40th birthday with a big chocolate cake and candles last night. Happy early birthday, Aunt Darrah!
- Annual family photo shoot by the lake.
- Grandma and Olivia made a jello mold.
- A washed and conditioned Olivia and Sydney's hair in the bathtub.
- M took Eden from the floating dock back to the main dock in her floaties.
- N chased Sydney and Eden around all over the house, usually to give them hugs.
- Thanks to Grandma and Grandpa for all the meals and fun. We are just sad that Uncle Jonathan couldn't be here to enjoy this with us. We miss you!!
There are a lot of pics on my camera and I know that Aunt Deb is going to send me a bunch, but here are some from Grandpa Ron and my cell phone. It's late and I don't think I will get more photos tonight.
They are so many pictures! I had so much fun!
An excellent recap!! Team Seattle had such a great time playing with all their family! Will send treasure hunt photos soon.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for taking the time to post such a wonderful recap – really missed everyone and it looks like fun was had by all. Truly appreciate the time and effort it took to put this all together.
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