
Day #1 at the beach was a mixed bag. We spent two hours (yes, TWO hours) this morning at Food Lion. We were there so long that we went back to the alcohol aisle and picked up some booze before we left, which we had skipped in the beginning because NC law prohibits the sale of alcohol before 12 on Sundays. When we got there it seemed inconceivable that we’d still be there at noon, but there we were.

We didn’t make it to the beach until after nap. And then it clouded up and started thundering, but the girls got some good sand castle-ing in anyway.

Some funnies:

1) At the store, I took M with me to look for olives. She said, "Do you like olives, Mommy?" I said yes. She said, "Does Daddy like olives?" I said yes. She said, "Does A like olives?" I said yes. She said, "Do you know who doesn’t like olives?" I said, "Who?’ She said, "Me!"

2) Tonight before bed, we talked some about the day. We started listing everything we did, and then M & A started listing things we didn’t do, just to be silly (put on Halloween costumes, built a snowman, etc.). Then we starting listing things we bought, and then things we didn’t buy (rain, children, Mommy and Daddy, etc.) and I said, "We bought a diaper rash." They thought that was SO funny, and both of them started laughing so hard they couldn’t talk. That has to be the most satisfying sound in the world – your children laughing so hard they don’t know what to do with themselves.

1 comment

rachel says:

dear aunt gayle
i think M&A are very smart!

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