Shopping Extravaganza

It was shopping day here. This morning, I went to Costco. The haul: new PJs and socks, as well as some early Hanukah presents for the girls – Olivia Forms A Band, a HUGE thing of Tinkertoys, and a spelling/puzzle game. Oh, and a bunch of other things that the girls would find boring, like paper towel and kleenex and toothpaste.

Then, after nap, it was the one-two punch of Trader Joe’s and Giant. At TJ’s, the girls used the mini-carts and ran them all over the store, including a very fast drive ending at the olive oil shelf. Thankfully there were no casualties, human or condiment.  At Giant, they rode in a "car cart", which accommodates two and has a double steering wheel system like the kind of car they use for driving school. No driving skills were learned today, though.

Tonight, I caught A swinging from the doorknobs on one of our bathroom doors. I told her not to do that. She said, "I didn’t do that." I asked who did. She said someone else did. "Who?", I asked. Well, according to A, it was another person who looks exactly like A and is named A but who is ten. Clearly not my A.

Glad we cleared that up.


Sarah says:

How cute.
i miss you guys!

Anonymous says:

This blog was so cute, it had me laughing out loud. I really enjoy reading about all the antics M and A can think up. So creative.

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