Short Wednesday Post

Tonight when I got home from work, M came to the door yelling "NO! NO! NO! NO!" at the top of her lungs. She then ran to the couch and jumped all over it. I said, "What's up?" She said, "I'm a WILD PIG!"

A was a bit testy tonight. Lots of tears over whose teeth I would brush first. Accusations that I was hurting her feelings. Sigh. Then she was asleep within 5 minutes. Connection? I think so.

Daddy is out of the country this week. He returns Friday and then we are having a big party here on Saturday night. It should be fun!

1 comment

a says:

It must be so hard for you when Dan is away, and especially if one child is upset about something. It’s not easy to raise one child, let alone two. I admire you and give you so much credit for your great job as a mother.
Aunt Ann

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