Last night, A woke up at 1:30 and said that her stomach hurt. Sure enough, 30 minutes later she was throwing up. Poor girl. She was up for a while, had a bath, and went back to bed. She slept til 9 this morning and didn't throw up again, which was good, and she has felt mostly pretty good today.
Because of A being sick, we declared today a sick day at home. Since it's too hot to do anything but go swimming and we didn't think she should be swimming today, we just stayed home and ended up getting a TON done. Here is what was accomplished today:
- M finished her report on slugs for school, and A is almost finished with hers on pumpkins. We come home from Europe RIGHT before school starts, so we need to have those done before we go on our trip.
- M finished a book and A made progress in hers. M read "The School Skeleton" and A is reading "Just Grace".
- The girls played Mastermind and Animal Lotto (an old fave).
- Both girls practiced the piano.
- The girls made shapes and other designs out of a play-dough/clay thing they like.
- I went to the library and took out a few books that I am considering for the Mother-Daughter Book Club this year.
- I went to 2 grocery stores.
- I cleaned up and put away all of the girls' artwork, homework and textbooks from first grade.
- I cleaned out the girls' room, including organizing all hair accessories and jewelry.
- 2 loads of laundry.
- Daddy did some stuff around the house that has been nagging at us for a long time, including replacing our shower light that has been out for 6 months.
- Homemade dinner.
Not a bad list, huh? The girls are now watching Never Say Never: The Justin Bieber Movie, which is surprisingly good.
I really hope we all sleep well tonight. We need it.
I hope A feels all better by now. All of you certainly accomplished so much this stay-at-home day. I just learned that all of you plan to travel to Europe this summer. Tell us more.
Aunt Ann
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