Sick Day

After school yesterday, M wasn't feeling well. When I got home, she had a fever (100.7), and she was very droopy last night. She stayed home from school today, with Imogene, and watched movies, TV and Grandma Sandy's DVD of photos from Japan. She also played some Webkinz. I left work early and picked up A from school, who kept asking me if she felt warm. I said no, she didn't, but at her urging we took her temp when she got home and it was 99.2. Not sure what's going on there. Hoping they both get a good night sleep and go to school tomorrow. We're caught up on homework so we're ready either way.

Here are some pics of the girls wearing some funny glasses:


MarchApril 028 

MarchApril 030 

MarchApril 032 

MarchApril 034 

MarchApril 022 

1 comment

a says:

I hope both M and A are well. The pictures of the girls with funny glasses is cute. Give the girls my love.
Aunt Ann

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