Sick Day

Today was a sick day at our house. M woke up at 5:30 this morning with a high fever. She didn't get much sleep and was coughing a lot. We called the doctor who laughed off our fears of swine flu and said to bring her in tomorrow for a strep test. We had had a busy day planned but because Daddy went to NY for Uncle Joel's memorial service, we had to cancel our plans and stay in. No swimming, no dinner with Amy and Sarah and kids, and I sent A to the Great Zucchini show with some of her classmates.

So what did we do? We read books and cleaned out their closet and made a dry run of A's birthday cake, which is a dinosaur:


We also put together the girls' birthday CDs. And watched some TV. But as I told Daddy  – TV-free from 10:30-2:30. M and I took a nap on the couch together while A was at the Great Zucchini, which was much needed.

A at first was nervous about going to the show without Mommy. But, she had a great time. She said it was so much fun and she loved it! She said the cutest thing: she said "No one has ever come to pick up just me alone before. I am very excited!" Then when she got home she was full of enthusiasm.

We are hoping that M will be better very soon. We have a big week – it's their birthday on Thursday and their party on Saturday, and lots of people coming to town.

Daddy is home now and I am beat! But even though M was sick we had a really fun day together with A.

1 comment

a says:

I’m so glad M feels better. I wish M and A the happiest of birthdays. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO M AND A (TRA LA). I can’t believe they are going to be five years old. What a wonderful family you are. I love all of you very much.
Love and lots of birthday hugs and kisses, XOXOXOXOXO
Aunt Ann

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