Skype with the Girls

We just had such a treat – we got to Skype with the girls from PA. They were all smiles! So cute. They are having a great time – went swimming in the lake, played laser tag, and went to the third – and best so far – ice cream store. They did lots of dancing on Skype – very cute. But their smiles were the best.

Before they left on Saturday they asked for some momentos from us. I gave A a fabric glasses case from my purse, and gave M a "2010 Book Blogger Con" pen. Daddy gave them his business cards. They brought out the mementos while we were on Skype with them – so cute. It was great seeing them so happy – they are having a great time!

Quiet day here. I worked on cleaning out the basement – N has a lot of great toys and puzzles waiting for him when he's ready. I took N for a walk in the Bjorn to Broad Branch Market – we basically just needed a destination. We missed the girls very much!

More cleaning tomorrow.


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