Sleep Deprived

I am too tired to blog today. A was up again last night, a lot. Tonight if she gets up I may just bring her into my bed to sleep, which seems to calm her enough to keep her asleep longer. I *know* it’s a bad idea, and I won’t make a habit of it, but desperate times call for desperate measures. One more night of that crappy medicine.

Poor M is under the weather now – fever of 101.1 tonight before bed. She didn’t want her temperature taken but agreed to it if I took it. Daddy asked her if she wanted him to hold her while I took it, and she said no, she wanted A to hold her. So A came over and held her hand while M was getting her temperature taken.


PS To the TMG crew: no naps today! Just some lousy work product. Sssshhh… don’t tell GM.

1 comment

Anonymous says:

Things will get better soon, I’m sure. All anyone can do is grin and bare it. (Oops. You don’t even have to grin.)
My love to all of you,
Your very old aunt

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