Slumber Party

Busy Friday. This morning, I was the Shabbat parent at the girls’ class. That means that I brought a yummy treat for the class (mini cupcakes), sat with M & A while they sang the blessings on the candles, "wine" and bread, and read the class a book (Knuffle Bunny Too: A Case of Mistaken Identity). I also went to the Shabbat Sing and even came early so that I could hang out on the playground with them.

I wish I could report that my time in their class was sheer joy, but it wasn’t. For the girls, and A especially, my presence in their classroom seems to upset the balance that makes them happy, well-behaved girls at school. A had several meltdowns on the playground, such as when Abigail rode her tricycle into A’s, and when Sydney got on A’s tricycle after I had picked her up to try to calm her down.  A said to Abigail on several occasions, "You are a BAD GIRL." or "You are NOT NICE." (Abigail is M&A’s best friend). M was more even today, but even she had her moments of crying.

One of the teachers said to me that she has never seen M or A act this way before. In fact, she said, "Your girls are delightful. They are pleasant, they never complain, and they love to get involved in activities."

So I know that they don’t usually act like this, which is a relief. I can only assume that they get so excited when I am there that they just don’t know how to deal with it. It’s actually kind of cute. I had a good time nonetheless – their classmates are adorable, and I love seeing their daily routine.

Books tonight: Snip! Snap! and Once Upon a Potty (which is a weird book).

Right now, the girls are "sleeping" in my bed, something they’ve been asking to do all day. I have lined the sides of the bed with pillows to fortify it and keep them in. Of course, they’ve been talking nonstop since I came downstairs. M is disappointed – I think she thought I was going to go to sleep with them. Silly M – when would I have time to blog?

UPDATE: Since I posted about 45 minutes ago, I have been upstairs 4 times and have threatened many times to move them back to their own beds because they aren’t settling down. Right now (10:04 PM), it’s quiet. Maybe my threats are working.

1 comment

Anonymous says:

Gayle, you had quite an experience, both at school and at home.
You are so patient and thoughtful of M and A’s feelings. Gayle, did I tell you I think you are a wonderful mother and I’m very proud of you.

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