Snow Day Chronology

Today was a relaxing snow day at home.

Rough chronology:

8:45 N up

9:00 Lucky starts whining

9:25 We go in to get N, who is just babbling happily in his crib

9:40 A up, breakfast for N

9:50 M up

10:00 Daddy starts shoveling

10:30 Everyone outside, N helping with shoveling, M helping with shoveling, A trying to get Bella next door to come outside and make a snowman

10:45 Daddy takes N for a walk (they encounter a snowman and snowdog around the corner); M clears off Volvo; I dig out the SUVs; A works on a snowman with Bella, then gives up to go see the snowman and snowdog

11:10 Everyone else goes inside

12:10 I go inside

12:15 Cream of wheat!

1:15 N down for a nap

1:15-3: Daddy and I work/watch a movie; A finishes The World According to Humphrey, M finishes her school Valentines

3:00 N up

3:30 N barely eats lunch

3:30 Daddy, A and M meet Abigail and her mom for sledding

4:15 Daddy and M return; M is freezing and it is drizzling. Daddy goes back.

4:45 Daddy and A return

4:30-5:30: Warm showers for everyone over 2

5:30: Olympic viewing

6:30: Pizza from Comet

8:15: Bedtime for N

8:15-9:15: American Idol

9:15: Switched to Olympics

I left out: cookies I am making right now (iced molasses), piano practice, and countless books read to N.

And now, the pics:









Photo copy



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