Snowpocalypse, Snownami, Snowmadeggon

It's the kind of snowstorm that merits a nickname. (Or so says the media.)

9:48 and I'd guess we have about 8 inches on the ground so far. But it's starting to come down more heavily now, so all bets are off on tomorrow.

The girls enjoyed the 100th day of school, but despite repeated questioning from Daddy and me, we still don't have a great sense of what exactly happened at school today. We do know that other kids brought in other types of objects for their ziploc bags: paper clips, pennies, stickers, Cheerios, "a mix of stuff".

Tomorrow we have planned sledding, hanging out, reading, maybe some baking. Ballet, Sunday School, Super Bowl party, and birthday party #1 have all been canceled. The one remaining plan is birthday party #2 at Chuck E. Cheese on Sunday, and I assume that will be canceled too.

We got the girls' second report cards today. Here are the summaries:

A: A continues to do very well with her growth. She is showing a bit more confidence with her reading skills and working hard with sounding out word family words that we are now reading and writing. She is still somewhat apprehensive when it comes to sounding out words independently that she does not know for journaling, but she continues to be wonderfully detailed with her illustrations. Keep working at it! Good work on her math skills and she is getting more comfortable with comparing the larger numbers as well. Keep up the good work.

M: M continues to have a great year. She is very motivated with her journaling activities and has shown a lot of initiative with writing her own words by sounding things out independently! Keep it going! she has good comfort with her reading skills and activities as well. Great math development and understanding of the skills we are practicing. She continues to participate well and interact quite well with her classmates and friends, Keep up the great work.

1 comment

a says:

Thanks for sharing M and A’s school report cards. They are great.
Sorry the weather is putting a kink in so many plans. Love to all of you.
Aunt Ann
P.S. I’m getting better at one-handed typing (pecking).

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