Soccer Workshop

The girls went off to their soccer workshop this morning. I was a little worried about them  – they were the only ones without shin guards (or a ball, or cleats…) and they don't know how to play. Three nervous hours later I called Daddy's cell phone – he had just picked them up – and all was OK! They had a good time and actually had fun. I was so glad to hear it.

They also had ballet and piano lessons today. And they had loads of energy tonight! They put all of their pillow pets around their legs tonight before bed – it was very funny.

Meanwhile, the little boy is into EVERYTHING. Cabinets, the toilet, shoeboxes, Lucky's water dish… anything that opens, that shuts, that contains something, that can be moved. He is one busy boy! Imogene says he has another tooth coming in, but I can't see it.

Back to school tomorrow for M&A.

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