Social Sunday

The girls had a very social Sunday today.

They woke up and had a visit from Jessie, Alida, Abby and Orin, who came over and brought some gifts and coffee cake. For N they brought a stuffed lion, and for the girls they brought two lollipop pens and 2 bead necklace kits. They also brought a huge poster that they made that says "Milkshake!" on it – kind of random.

Then Imogene came over to pick up the girls. She brought them to her church, which she has always wanted to do. She got to show them off to people who have heard about them for years. They were there for a little over an hour. I picked them up, and they said that it was a little boring – just people singing and talking a lot. I can see how that might be boring! But it meant a lot to Imogene that they went.

Then they were picked up by Grandma Sandy, who took them to see The Music Man at Arena Stage. Here is a picture:


We got a quick glimpse of Debbie after the musical – she came with Grandma so that she could see baby N. It was a hectic time here – Daddy was just about to leave to go away for a night, and we were trying to get Lucky walked – but she got to hold N and see for herself just how huge he is!!

Daddy left for the airport and we went over to Naomi and Alida's for dinner. The girls got to swim once the rain stopped and they jumped for a bit on the trampoline. It was nice to be over there and out of our house!

We came home and had a wuick bath. N was fussy, as he often is at that time of night, but he's now asleep (10:40) – I hope he stays asleep for a while! It's my first overnight on my own and I am crossing my fingers for lots of sleep.

So that was our Sunday! Thanks to everyone who came to see/get/entertain/feed us!


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