Social Weekend!

We had a busy, social weekend (as the lack of posts suggests). On Friday night, Daddy and I went out for Laurie's birthday, and the girls stayed home and had a sleepover with Annelise. Sounds like it was a lot of fun. They went to bed late (1:30AM!) but they slept late yesterday so we didn't have the dreaded sleepover hangover.

Saturday we ran some errands and worked on the attic, which is slowly, SLOWLY getting back to normal after holding all the girls' stuff during the bedroom renovation. Still lots to put back. But we went through everything and cleared out a fair amount of stuff. In the afternoon, Daddy and the girls went to the frame store and finished framing their signed ballet posters, and N and I went to Margot's birthday party. N was reunited with his best friend Carter. It was so cute. At first, he was very shy and hid behind my legs and wouldn't even make eye contact with Carter. But within a minute, they were back to their old tricks – hugging, laughing, smiling and playing. 

N is just like me in that he is very particular about music. While we were at the party, there was a kids' music mix playing. He was very aware at all times of which songs were on, and when he knew one, he came up to me (sometimes getting out of the moonbounce) to tell me which song it was. He knows and recognizes songs and lyrics, which I do as well. And he gets very fired up about them (good or bad).

Some pics from yesterday:

Frame store





Margot's birthday (Alma, Josh, N, Margot, Carter and siblings):



Friday breakfast:


Last night we had dinner at Sarah's house, which was fun – all 5 of us AND Lucky went. Lucky got to hang out with his dear friend Chloe. 

Today we stayed close to home and did some home-related stuff, watched the game (Nats won), went grocery shopping, etc. Got ready for the week. Not as social as the other days!

Second week of school starts this week, probably with homework. 🙁

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