Social Weekend!

We all had a relatively social weekend.

Friday after school, A had a playdate at Ellie's house, while M stayed home with me, N and Imogene. Then Friday night we caught up on American Idol after N went to bed.

On Saturday morning, we went to a preview of this movie:



N made it through almost the whole movie, which was pretty impressive. The girls really liked it – M gave it a 9.5 out of 10 and A gave it a 9.2. We thought it was pretty cute.

After the movie, the girls went to ballet an hour late. Oh well.

Saturday afternon, M had a playdate at her friend Anton's house. Here's what they did: played a game called Scoops (non-electronic), did some Sumdog, and ate some really yummy cake his mom made. (N and I each got a piece which we ate on the way home.) Meanwhile, A had a playdate at Alida's house. When M and Daddy went to pick up A from the playdate, the Campers invited the girls to go to dinner at the CC Club. So off they went, and then off Daddy and I went to a party and dinner in Cleveland Park. Thank you Grandma Sandy and Stu for babysitting!

Today, everyone but me went to the Purim Festival. (I went for a run). Apparently it was Dad's Day at TS – Daddy saw lots and lots of other dads there. No Sunday School. Then everyone came home and the girls and I did Chug Ivrit homework. Then M was off to baseball and A and N and I went to Amy's house so that N could see "Baby Di" and A could hang out with Sofia and Virginia. Everyone had a great time and N was in heaven, surrounded by older boys and scores of cars, planes, helicopters and other toys.

Then tonight we went to dinner with our friends Julia and Ann, and Ann's 4 year-old Alden. M&A were great with her – they love being with younger kids and are very sweet and patient.

Some pictures from tonight:




So it was a busy weekend with a lot going on! And tomorrow may be a snow day. UGH.

The girls are enjoying reading the blog book from 2007. Lots of funny stories. I need to do more stories and anecdotes and interviews like I used to do when they were little. 🙂

Here is a funny video of N wearing his pink glasses and reading a book:



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