Some New Scans from the Girls

I went through and filed away a bunch of the girls' recent homework and other papers over the weekend. Here are some of the gems I came across.

I love this one from M – "If I were to compose a song, I would write about ending everything that can injure someone. I would also end every curse word. Also, I don't want anyone to be mean to anyone anymore." "In 'Oh Freedom' they said 'No More Segregation' and I enjoyed that a lot. I thought that the song is a very nice song to sing. I thought this song meant black people and white people shouldn't be apart."


I love this from A: "Iay ovelay ouyay ommymay ohsay uchmay". If you're not great with Pig Latin, that means "I love you mommy so much."


This is M coming up with words that she can make using the letters in her name.


And here is a public service announcement from M:




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