Spacers and TSNS and BBM

Big doings today.

The girls had their first REAL orthodontist appointment. They got "spacers", or rubber bands around four teeth to help make room for their expanders in two weeks. They were painful going on, and I think the girls (especially A) are a little less excited about the prospect of orthodontia.

One of M's rubber bands fell soon after we got home, and she had to go back and get it put back in.

Also, we went by TSNS to drop off N's forms, and had a nice chat with the head of the school about N's placement for next year. I think he will have great teachers and some friends in his class.

Tonight, we went to BBM for ice cream. We ran into friends there and chatted for a while, and stopped by the Murphy-Kohns to see which Nats they got autographs from today. (Craig Stannen!)

Here is a cute video of the kids at BBM:


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