Spain Pics

And… we're back. A few days of radio silence here, explained by a visit from Grandma Dina and Grandpa Ron, a busy weekend, and Imogene being sick today. I also keep falling asleep on the couch. So, I am finally posting again.

The girls did a lot of swimming over the weekend – first at the new indoor pool at Wilson, then at Grampy and Nana's house Saturday evening, and at our friend Catherine's pool yesterday. We also had a short but nice visit from Grandma and Grandpa. They only stayed for one night but we enjoyed seeing them a lot. Unfortunately, Grandpa took home a souvenir from the trip – M's virus. And Imogene has it too, which means that the girls spent the day at my office today. It hasn't been my most productive day ever, but I did get some work done. Thank you to my TMG colleagues for entertaining them for me so I could get pockets of work done.

Buppie babysat last night so Daddy and I could see a movie. M left a note for the Tooth Fairy asking for her teeth back, and A left a note too thanking her for the gifts last time. M's teeth reappeared in the tooth fairy pillows this morning – magic!

Hopefully Imogene will be back tomorrow – we are crossing our fingers that she will feel better.

So here finally are some pictures from Spain. These are some of my favorites:

Looking at the swans at the cathedral in Barcelona:


The girls standing in the old city of Barcelona:


Narrow street in the old city of Barcelona:


Beach at Cullera at dusk:


A showing Tia her workbook:


M outside the ice cream store:


Tia and Isidro outside the apartment:


A climbing on the beach:


Daddy on the boardwalk:


M climbing on the beach:


Tia and the girls at dinner:


Tia, Amaia, Jaime and us at dinner:


Palacio Real in Madrid:


Palacio Real in Madrid:


A in the Palacio Real garden:


M in the Palacio Real garden:


A in the Palacio Real garden:


Outside the Palacio Real:


Flamenco dancers back in DC:


1 comment

a says:

Thanks for a wonderful blog. The photos are so beautiful, but no photo of mommy. Your (Dan’s) relatives look seem so very warm and friendly. M and A are as lovely as ever. They seem so grown-up in the photos. I hope everyone is feeling well by now.
Aunt Ann

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