Special Dinner Guest

Tonight we had a special dinner guest – Lisa came over after work and we ordered Chinese food and ate it after the girls went to bed. Before they went to bed, though, they:

  • showed Lisa their new shoes
  • showed Lisa a lot of the cupcakes in the Hello! Cupcake cookbook
  • showed Lisa the 5 American Girl Samantha books they have
  • beat Lisa at Memory (M)
  • showed Lisa their pajamas
  • showed Lisa their room
  • showed off their jump roping (which is just what you want kids to do right before bed)
  • begged to stay up later

It was definitely fun to have her here and to have the chance to catch up. Thanks, Lisa, for driving all the way out my way.

Daddy comes home tomorrow! I think we are all ready.


Lisa says:

So fun to catch up and see M & A! I’m going to get in some Memory practice before I come again. 🙂

a says:

If I haven’t said it before: I love your blogs. They make me feel as though I’m there as part of the family. I do miss all of you.
M and A were so cute to show Lisa all of their lovely new things. They are not at all “spoiled” and seem to appreciate all their new things. Such wonderful girls! They are special!
Aunt Ann

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