We are 29 hours and TANTRUM-FREE! Yippee! A has been just delightful the last day or so, which has been a relief. She’s been happy and engaged and easy. Maybe the keep-food-in-her-belly strategy is working. Perhaps we’ll do 5 small meals a day instead of 3.
This morning, I told the girls that I had a surprise for them for after work. They had some guesses – ice cream? a lollipop? a cookie? Finally I told them that it was not edible.
When I got home from work, the first thing A said to me was, "Do you have the surprise?" I said, no, not yet, but that it would come through the door soon. M said, "Is it mail?" I said no, it’s a person. She said, "Is it YOU?" I said, "No, how would that be a surprise? I come through the door every night!" Just then, a car pulled up, and out came the surprise…
… Christina and Mikey!
The girls were very excited. We had a lovely evening with them… did puppet shows, played a colors-based board game, had pizza, and hung out in the basement a little. Mikey asked A if she was going to be a plumber, because her pajamas were revealing a little bit of her butt in the back. She told him no, she is going to be a ballerina.
Mikey and Christina brought two "My Little Pony"’s, which were around when Christina was a little girl. A named hers Nuffy and M named hers Lulu. (I re-read that and it sounds like they brought the same ponies Christina played with. No – these are new. 🙂 )
Books tonight: Dinosaurs Everywhere and The Runaway Bunny. (Guess which was Mommy’s pick?)
It’s been a long day. Night-night.