Special Visitors’ Day

Today was Special Visitors’ Day at the girls’ school. First we got to see an art show – M&A’s class did self-portraits. A’s name wasn’t on hers, but we knew which was hers because of the way she draws feet. M’s portrait had red hair and green eyes – very cute. Then we went to the girls’ classroom, where they were painting flowerpots. There were some classmade chocolate "bonbons" there as well, which M was very interested in. I think they each had 2. Then we went to music with Sally and heard songs. Buppie, Nana and I were all there. The girls loved having all of us at school.

Lest anyone reading the P&B blog think that I have perfect children… A was kind of salty-sweet today. Sometimes she was  sweet, but there were also lots of tears and whining and refusals to participate today. Not sure what’s going on with her. Thankfully, her appetite is back. Some kids were over for their regular playdate today (including their best friend Abigail), and A didn’t want to play. She just sat on her bed. Also… she wouldn’t get out of the bath, she wouldn’t put her pull-up on, she refused to come outside when M and Imogene and I were sweeping outside.

M was extremely helpful with yardwork today. She helped a lot with sweeping and raking.

Some notable things:

  • There’s a little boy who often comes to the regular playdate – "Baby J". His sister is a little younger than the girls. They are always blaming him for things – Baby J lost this, Baby J broke that, Baby J got ink on your bedspread. Tonight, the girls were in the bath, and I told them not to drink the water because "god knows one of you probably peed in here." M&A both said that they didn’t pee in the bath, and then A said, "But Baby J did."
  • Tonight I lost patience with A because she wouldn’t get dressed. I got frustrated, and M said to me, "Mommy, we’re being very good to you because you are special. Aren’t we good?" I said, "Thank you, M. I would just be happy if A put her pull-up on." M said, "Aren’t you happy, Mommy?" I paused and said, "Yes, M, I am happy. I would just be happier if A would get dressed."
  • M said today that she had something sad to tell me. She said that she doesn’t love orange anymore. That does make me very sad.

Here are some photos that Buppie took at Special Visitors’ Day.

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Gloria says:

I remember when I had tumultuous relationships with colors. I definitely had a love-hate relationship with black. Yellow and pink weren’t my favorites early on, but gradually became my best friends. I always loved orange though… maybe orange will win back M’s heart one day.
The pictures are so cute!

Christina says:

I want to come for the next Special Visitors Day!! 🙂

Aunt Darrah says:

How does your mom always manage to take the best pictures?!

Lisa says:

I am glad I read the post today for two reasons: 1) I love reading updates about the girls (who, btw, have been sporting very cute ponytails lately), and 2) I had no idea Gloria had such a conflicted relationship with colors.

Anonymous says:

Thanks for the darling photos. All of you look great. Will you grow herbs in the flower pots the girls are painting? So cute.

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