Sporty Weekend

This was one full weekend! A lot of things happened. Here is a rundown:

1. Sports seasons kicked off. M had her first baseball game with her new, somewhat offbeat coach. She is on the Orioles this year. They didn't win, but she played well and it was a good start. She was a little late to the game because of ballet – presto change-o in the dressing room. A had her first soccer game with the Lightning. She played so well! It was all new to her – offense and defense, striker and midfield, throw-ins and penalty kicks. But she did great for her first game. And they won 3-0. They looked very strong. Here are the athletes after the game:



2. Our little N turned 15 months! He is the cutest. He is also very loud and likes to make his opinion known. Lots of screeching this weekend when we took away somethine he wanted – the car keys, A's glasses, etc. He's saying Dada very regularly now, not so much Mama. He is walking up and down stairs with very little supervision, and he walked around the block today on his own when we took Lucky out. Not eating that much, for some reason, but sleeping beautifully. And he's snuggly and sweet. What a wonderful little boy – we all love him so much. He has a checkup next week so we'll know how much he weighs and how he's doing. My favorite memory of him from this weekend: while we were walking, he stopped to examine these little green balls on the ground – I am not sure what they are but they fall from trees. He picked up three and wouldn't put them down the whole walk. He had trouble carrying all three but he wouldn't give any of them up, so we walked very slowly around the whole block while he picked up the one that fell over and over again. It was so cute, and so N. Here he is at the playground after A's soccer practice:



3. The girls went bike riding again today! They are so much more comfortable than last time and they didn't need any help from Daddy. Well done!



4. We finished a jigsaw puzzle! The button one. It was a lot of fun. (Check out N in the corner.)




5. We went to a couple of parties today – the birthday party of a one year-old who used to live next door to us, and a BBQ for one of Daddy's colleagues.


It was a very full weekend, and tiring, but so much fun. The ballet-soccer-baseball trifecta was a challenge logistically, but I love the girls changing from leotards to sports uniforms – it really shows the many sides of their personalities. Here is A outside WSB en route to soccer:






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