We are back from Florida! We arrived home last last night, around 1, and it's now Sunday AM. Everyone is sleeping, thankfully. We left warm sunshine for a grey, cool day here, but that's ok. At least it isn't freezing.
We had a really nice trip.
Highlights of Key West: the lovely pool and ocean views from the pool; our delicious dinner at Lou's Backyard; the gorgeous drive from Miami to Key West; eating outside and listening to music in various places, which felt summery; Hemingway's house; delicious brunch Friday AM along Duval Street; our short morning at the beach; playing some games in the condo. KW is a bit cheesy, but we found stuff we liked to do/see and it was relaxing overall. I don't think we are in a rush to return there but we liked it. Oh – we stopped in at Judy Blume's bookstore, which I loved. N picked up a biography while he was there. 🙂
On Friday, we drove to Miami and stayed for a night at the Fountainbleau. The kids LOVED the hotel. It is modern and renovated with a bunch of pools. Miami is Miami, of course (as my friend Sarah describes it: "loud, hot and dirty"). When we got there, there was a music festival happening with loud throbbing bass coming from all corners of the place. But it didn't bother us too much, and yesterday was quiet. There are scantily clad people all over the place, which made for interesting people watching! N got a fair amount of swimming in yesterday AM, and I went for a nice long run along the boardwalk. Unfortunately, A had a rough night Friday night – throwing up, tossing and turning. We were all up at 5:15AM and N said, "Rough night for the Feldman family!"
Yesterday we walked along the boardwalk in South Beach and had delicious gelato after a yummy and entertaining lunch at Joe's Stone Crab. We also went to Wynwood Walk on our way out of town. It's an outdoor gallery space for street art in a formerly rundown industrial neighborhood. It was very cool.
I have a gazillion photos on my phone – the girls used it for IG photos – but here are just a few from the trip.
Lou's Backyard:
M also in my glasses (both girls bought new ones at Robbie's):
Sand castle that turned into a dome ("The dome is just sand, the sand is just dome"):
And some pics from Miami:
From our room, with Miami in the background:
Outside Joe's (no, this is probably not the best one we took):
Hanging out in the VIP pool before it turned VIP:
Great trip; glad to be home!