The girls are in fun places this week. M is in Costa Rica with a bunch of friends from Princeton, enjoying a few days of sun and relaxation after a very busy midterms week.

She will be here in DC later this week, along with her friend Hope. We are excited to see her!
A went to San Diego for a retreat for DKA, her entertainment fraternity. She will also be going to London at the end of the week for her spring break. Lucky kids!

N resumed BCC baseball practices – clinics once a week in March – as well as his GDS 7th grade baseball team practices. This weekend, he: got a haircut, hung out here with Will, hung out with Hobart a ton (who is finally clean, thank god), and resumed trampoline catch in the backyard. The days are getting longer, which means more time outside!
BM prep continues. There is a lot to do.